New Help for Scuba Divers with Ear Problems
Almost every diver has felt it…you’re on the surface starting a dive. As soon as you deflate your BC and descend a few feet…that...

Our White House Visits Continue
Along with the other board members of Docs4PatientCare Foundation I have continued with invited visits to the White House to discuss...

My Visits to the White House
This past fall I was honored to be invited to the White House on 2 occasions as an advisor on health care policy. For the first visit I...
What’s New in Treatment of Thyroid Cancer
Last weekend I had the privilege of attending the Georgia Society of Otolaryngology Annual Summer Meeting. One of the keynote speakers...
New Options for Treating Sinusitis and Allergies.
Over the past several years we have enjoyed many improvements in treatment for sinus problems. Almost all of these have been...
What Do ENT Doctors Do?
When I created this website a few months ago a friend of mine, who is a CEO of a well-known health care company in Atlanta, admonished me...